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Press release
February 2025
Eleven organisations in Vocational Education and Training (VET) from eight EU member states representing 75% of the EU’s population have established a European Coalition for Apprentice Mobility. Their shared objective is to provide apprentices with the same opportunities for learning mobility as students in higher education and to make apprenticeships become an integral part of the European Education Area.
The members of the coalition and associated partners represent 2,000 VET providers which trained 1,000,000 apprentices and organised more than 20,000 apprentice mobilities in 2024, notably through the Erasmus+. Following the General Assembly for Apprentice Mobility organised in 2024, they have joined forces to enhance both the quality and the quantity of European learning periods.
According to Jean Arthuis, former Member of European Parliament and President of Euro App Mobility, “apprentice mobility enhances the acquisition of vital skills to face the EU’s current economic, social and geopolitical challenges. Our coalition is a unique initiative. It intends to foster favorable institutional conditions for the Europeanisation of apprenticeships. We are convinced that this can become a cornerstone of the European strategy for VET, contribute largely to a Union of Skills and enhance both EU competitiveness and values.”
As a network of interconnected networks, the coalition will develop concrete operational suggestions related to the agenda of Executive Vice-President, Roxana Mînzatu. It will advocate for strong financial support for apprentice mobility in the upcoming Erasmus+ programme (2028-2034).