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Monday 13 May 2024



Press release from Euro App Mobility




The President of EAM, Jean Arthuis, is writing to the heads of the lists of candidates for election to the European Parliament in the various EU countries to remind them that Erasmus is also for apprentices. It stresses the urgent need to remove the final barriers that are holding back the mobility of vocational learners and delaying the advent of the European Apprenticeship Area, modelled on the European Higher Education Area.



The opinions are unanimous. The international dimension of apprenticeships develops cross-disciplinary skills (self-confidence, agility, creativity, ability to work in a team, understanding of economic and social issues) and language skills. But apprentices are still confined to too few and too brief exchanges. In addition to the development of young people, what is at stake here is the competitiveness and sovereignty of a Europe that is set to lose 8 million workers by the end of the 2024-2029 term. Let’s dare to set Europe in motion.

Address in Brussels and address in Paris

European VET aera - Open letter
